Cloud Security

IT Cyber Security

Cloud Security

In the digital age, as businesses migrate their operations to the cloud, ensuring robust cloud security becomes paramount. Inventiv Technology’s Cloud Security solution is designed to fortify your cloud infrastructure, data, and applications against a diverse range of cyber threats.

Key Features and Benefits:

Identity and Access Management (IAM):
Establish a secure perimeter around your cloud environment with robust IAM protocols. Control user access, permissions, and roles to prevent unauthorized entry.

Data Encryption:
Safeguard your sensitive data with end-to-end encryption. Our Cloud Security solution ensures that data remains encrypted at all stages, whether in transit or at rest.

Threat Detection and Prevention:
Leverage cutting-edge threat detection technologies to identify and mitigate potential risks. Real-time monitoring and automated responses keep your cloud environment safe.

Vulnerability Management:
Stay ahead of vulnerabilities with regular assessments and patches. Our solution scans for vulnerabilities and offers timely remediation to prevent exploitation.

Compliance Assurance:
Navigate regulatory complexities effortlessly with our Cloud Security solution. Ensure adherence to industry standards and compliance frameworks, safeguarding your data and reputation.

Incident Response:
Rapidly respond to security incidents with predefined incident response plans. Minimize the impact of breaches and breaches with efficient incident management strategies.

Multi-Layered Defense:
Deploy a multi-layered defense strategy that encompasses network security, application security, and data security. Cover every facet of your cloud environment for comprehensive protection.

Secure APIs:
Ensure the security of your application programming interfaces (APIs). Implement robust authentication and authorization measures to prevent API-related breaches.

Real-time Monitoring and Reporting:
Keep a watchful eye on your cloud environment with real-time monitoring and detailed reporting. Gain insights into security events and vulnerabilities for informed decision-making.

User Training and Awareness:
Equip your staff with the knowledge to recognize and respond to security threats. Our Cloud Security solution includes user training and awareness programs to enhance your organization’s overall security posture.

Inventiv Technology’s Cloud Security solution empowers your organization to harness the benefits of the cloud without compromising on security. With advanced security measures, continuous monitoring, and proactive threat prevention, our solution ensures a fortified cloud environment that enables your business to innovate and thrive securely. Choose Inventiv Technology as your trusted partner in securing your cloud assets and maintaining the highest standards of data protection.


  • 77 Sugar Creek Center Blvd Suite 600 Sugarland, TX 77478 USA
  • 1-713-588-4454
Cloud Security

Micro Segmentation

micro segment

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, where cyber threats are constantly evolving, traditional network security measures often fall short. Enter Inventiv Technology’s Micro Segmentation solution – a game-changer in enhancing your network security strategy.

Key Features and Benefits:

Granular Security:

Micro Segmentation divides your network into smaller, more manageable segments. This allows for precise control over access and communication, minimizing the attack surface and preventing lateral movement of threats.

Zero Trust Architecture:
Embrace a Zero Trust approach with Micro Segmentation. Every user, device, and application is treated as a potential threat, requiring verification and authorization at each interaction point.

Reduced Attack Surface:
By isolating critical assets and sensitive data, Micro Segmentation limits the potential impact of breaches. Even if one segment is compromised, the threat is contained, safeguarding the rest of your network.

Application-Centric Security:
Tailor security policies around your applications. With Micro Segmentation, you can enforce specific access rules based on the unique needs of each application, enhancing security without affecting functionality.

Compliance and Auditing:
Simplify compliance efforts with clearly defined segments and access controls. Micro Segmentation allows for easier auditing and reporting, ensuring alignment with industry regulations.

Automated Responses:
In the event of an anomaly, Micro Segmentation enables automated responses. Suspicious activities can trigger immediate actions to contain threats and prevent their spread.

Scalability and Agility:
As your network grows, Micro Segmentation scales effortlessly. It accommodates the dynamic nature of modern IT environments, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes.

Enhanced Monitoring:
Gain deeper insights into network traffic and behavior. Micro Segmentation facilitates detailed monitoring, enabling rapid detection and response to unusual activities.

Inventiv Technology’s Micro Segmentation solution empowers you to fortify your network against advanced threats, providing unparalleled control and visibility. Elevate your security posture, reduce risks, and ensure the integrity of your digital assets with Micro Segmentation. Partner with Inventiv Technology to take your network security to the next level and stay ahead in the ever-evolving cyber landscape.

Cloud Security


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In the era of cloud computing, protecting sensitive data as it moves between on-premises systems and cloud applications is a paramount concern. Enter Inventiv Technology’s Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) – an essential tool for fortifying your cloud security strategy.

Key Features and Benefits:

Visibility and Control:
CASB provides unparalleled visibility into cloud usage, enabling you to monitor and control data flow across various cloud platforms. Safeguard sensitive information with comprehensive insights.

Data Protection:
Secure your data at rest, in transit, and during processing. CASB enforces encryption, data loss prevention (DLP), and access controls to prevent unauthorized access and leaks.

Shadow IT Detection:
Identify and manage unsanctioned cloud applications used by employees (shadow IT). CASB helps you regain control over the cloud services accessed within your organization.

Threat Detection:
Leverage advanced threat intelligence and behavior analytics to detect and mitigate cyber threats in real-time. CASB identifies unusual activities and potential breaches, ensuring a proactive security approach.

Compliance Enforcement:
Stay compliant with industry regulations and data protection standards. CASB offers policy enforcement tools that ensure data governance across cloud environments.

User Activity Monitoring:
Monitor user activities and access patterns to detect anomalies. CASB empowers you to identify and respond to risky behaviors that could lead to data breaches.

Adaptive Access Controls:
Enforce adaptive access policies based on user behavior and context. CASB ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive data and applications, enhancing security.

Incident Response:
Streamline incident response processes with real-time alerts and automated actions. CASB enables swift and effective responses to security incidents, minimizing potential damage.

Seamless Integration:
CASB seamlessly integrates with existing security solutions and cloud platforms, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive security posture.

Protect your cloud data with confidence using Inventiv Technology’s CASB solution. Safeguard against data breaches, ensure compliance, and maintain control over your cloud environment. Elevate your cloud security strategy today with CASB and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Cloud Security



In the dynamic landscape of IT, automation has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionizing how businesses operate and innovate. At Inventiv Technology, we specialize in harnessing the power of automation to drive efficiency, reduce manual tasks, and unlock new possibilities.

Key Features and Benefits:

Efficiency Enhancement:
Automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing up valuable human resources to focus on strategic initiatives and high-value projects.

Accelerated Operations:
With automation, processes become faster and error-free. Ensure seamless execution of complex workflows and optimize resource utilization.

Enhanced Agility:
Embrace change and adapt to evolving business needs effortlessly. Automation allows for quick adjustments and scaling to meet market demands.

Risk Reduction:
Minimize human errors and security vulnerabilities by implementing standardized, automated procedures that ensure consistency and compliance.

Cost Savings:
Automation leads to cost reductions through improved resource allocation, reduced manual intervention, and optimized operations.

Innovation Catalyst:
Automation liberates your team from mundane tasks, enabling them to focus on innovation, creative problem-solving, and strategic planning.

Optimized Resource Management:
Gain insights into resource allocation, utilization, and performance. Automation helps allocate resources effectively for maximum productivity.

24/7 Availability:
Automation ensures uninterrupted operations, facilitating round-the-clock monitoring, maintenance, and response.

Scalable Growth:
Seamlessly expand your operations without worrying about manual bottlenecks. Automation allows you to scale your business with ease.

Future-Ready Strategy:
As technology evolves, so do automation capabilities. Implementing automation prepares your business for future advancements.

Inventiv Technology empowers businesses to leverage the full potential of automation, from process optimization to intelligent decision-making. Embrace the future of IT with our comprehensive automation solutions and drive your organization towards unprecedented efficiency and innovation.

Cloud Security

Cloud Workspace Protection

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In the modern digital landscape, the concept of the workplace has evolved. With remote and hybrid work becoming the norm, ensuring the security and productivity of cloud-based workspaces has become paramount. At Inventiv Technology, we specialize in providing cutting-edge Cloud Workspace Protection solutions that enable organizations to create, manage, and secure collaborative work environments.

Key Features and Benefits:

Comprehensive Security:
Safeguard your cloud workspaces against cyber threats, data breaches, and unauthorized access with robust security measures and advanced encryption protocols.

User-Friendly Experience:
Empower your workforce with a seamless and user-friendly workspace experience, enabling efficient collaboration and streamlined communication.

Data Integrity:
Maintain the integrity of sensitive data across cloud workspaces, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and industry standards.

Secure Access Management:
Implement multi-factor authentication and granular access controls to ensure that only authorized users can access critical resources.

Threat Detection and Response:
Swiftly detect and respond to potential security incidents, with real-time monitoring and automated threat mitigation.

Business Continuity:
Ensure uninterrupted operations and productivity, even during unexpected disruptions, with secure cloud-based workspaces accessible from anywhere.

Easily scale your workspace environment to accommodate growing teams and evolving business needs, without compromising security or performance.

Collaboration Enablement:
Foster collaboration through integrated tools and platforms that enable seamless file sharing, communication, and project management.

Cost Efficiency:
Optimize resource utilization and reduce operational costs by leveraging cloud infrastructure while maintaining robust security.

Stay ahead of evolving cyber threats and technological advancements with continuous updates and enhancements to your cloud workspace protection.

At Inventiv Technology, we understand the importance of secure and productive cloud workspaces. Our Cloud Workspace Protection solutions are designed to empower your organization with a flexible, secure, and collaborative digital environment that fuels innovation, growth, and success. Elevate your business to new heights with our expertise in safeguarding your cloud-based operations.

How Can We Help

Inventiv Technology your Shield in Cyberspace. Fortifying your Digital Assets with Advanced Cybersecurity Measures.

We possess expertise and experience that underscore our commitment to offering 

effective solutions and tailored services aligned with the unique requirement of each client.