Endpoint Security

IT Cyber Security

Endpoint Security

In an era of relentless digital evolution, securing your organization’s endpoints has become paramount. At Inventiv Technology, we specialize in delivering advanced Endpoint Security solutions that fortify your network perimeter and safeguard your critical assets against a multitude of cyber threats. Our Endpoint Security approach extends far beyond traditional antivirus solutions. We offer a comprehensive suite of tools and strategies designed to address the ever-evolving threat landscape, providing you with a robust shield against malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, and unauthorized access.

Key Features of Our Endpoint Security Solutions:

Advanced Threat Detection:
Our solutions leverage cutting-edge technologies, including AI and machine learning, to proactively detect and neutralize emerging threats in real-time.

Behavioral Analysis:
We employ behavior-based analysis to identify anomalous activities and potential security breaches, enabling swift response and mitigation.

Multi-Layered Defense:
Our approach combines signature-based detection, heuristics, and sandboxing to ensure multiple layers of protection against known and unknown threats.

Device Management:
Gain complete visibility and control over all endpoints within your network, ensuring compliance and minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

Data Encryption:
Protect sensitive information with robust encryption mechanisms, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality, even in transit.

Patch Management:
Keep your software and applications up-to-date with automated patch management, reducing vulnerabilities and potential entry points for attackers.

User Behavior Monitoring:
Monitor user activity to detect unusual patterns or unauthorized access attempts, preventing internal threats and data breaches.

24/7 Monitoring and Support:
Our dedicated security experts provide round-the-clock monitoring, incident response, and support to keep your endpoints secure at all times.

Compliance Assurance:
Ensure adherence to industry-specific regulations and compliance standards through tailored Endpoint Security solutions.

Customized Solutions:
We tailor our Endpoint Security strategies to your organization’s unique needs, ensuring a precise fit for your security requirements.
At Inventiv Technology, we understand that safeguarding your endpoints is integral to your organization’s resilience against cyber threats. Our Endpoint Security solutions provide a proactive, multi-layered defense that empowers you to navigate the digital landscape with confidence. With Inventiv Technology as your partner, your endpoints remain shielded, your data stays secure, and your operations continue seamlessly. Trust Inventiv Technology to elevate your security posture and protect what matters most. Choose us for comprehensive Endpoint Security that ensures your organization’s safety in the face of evolving cyber challenges.


  • 77 Sugar Creek Center Blvd Suite 600 Sugarland, TX 77478 USA
  • 1-713-588-4454
  • info@inventivtechnology.com
Endpoint Security

Endpoint Protection Suite

endpoint protection

Ensure the utmost security for your organization’s endpoints with our advanced Endpoint Protection Suite. Crafted by Inventiv Technology, this suite delivers a comprehensive defense against a wide spectrum of cyber threats, safeguarding your critical data, applications, and systems.

Key Features:
Threat Detection and Prevention: Employing cutting-edge technologies, our suite detects and prevents both known and emerging threats, ensuring proactive defense.

Multi-Layered Defense:
Benefit from multiple layers of security, including behavior-based analysis, real-time monitoring, and signature-based detection.

Automated Incident Response:
Swiftly respond to potential threats with automated incident handling, reducing exposure to risks.

Data Encryption:
Ensure data privacy and integrity through robust encryption mechanisms, safeguarding sensitive information.

Patch Management:
Keep your software updated and secure with automated patch management, minimizing vulnerabilities.

Device Control:
Manage authorized devices effectively, preventing unauthorized access and reducing potential risks.

User Behavior Monitoring:
Detect abnormal user behavior and unauthorized access attempts, enhancing internal threat detection.

Customizable Solutions:
Tailor the suite to your unique security needs, ensuring a seamless fit within your organization’s operations.

24/7 Monitoring and Support:
Our dedicated experts provide round-the-clock monitoring and support for uninterrupted protection.

Compliance Ready:
Ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards, meeting the most stringent requirements.
Empower your organization with our Endpoint Protection Suite and fortify your network’s edge against today’s evolving cyber challenges. At Inventiv Technology, we stand as your trusted partner in cybersecurity, offering a reliable defense that secures your endpoints and bolsters your digital resilience. Choose Inventiv Technology for unwavering protection that lets you navigate the digital landscape with confidence.

Endpoint Security

Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)

endpoint detection

Proactive Threat Defense for Your Network. Elevate your organization’s cybersecurity strategy with our specialized Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) solution. Developed by Inventiv Technology, this cutting-edge offering provides real-time monitoring, advanced threat detection, and rapid incident response, ensuring your endpoints remain resilient against evolving cyber threats.

Key Highlights:

Continuous Monitoring:
Our EDR solution offers 24/7 monitoring of endpoints, analyzing activities and behaviors to swiftly identify potential threats.

Behavioral Analysis:
Leverage advanced behavioral analysis to detect unusual patterns and anomalies, enhancing threat detection accuracy.

Threat Hunting:
Proactively seek out potential threats within your network, minimizing the dwell time of attackers and reducing potential damage.

Rapid Incident Response:
Respond swiftly to detected threats with automated incident response actions, mitigating risks and minimizing impact.

Forensics and Investigation:
Gain detailed insights into security incidents with comprehensive forensics capabilities, aiding in thorough post-incident analysis.

Customizable Alerts:
Configure alerts and notifications tailored to your organization’s risk profile, ensuring prompt action when suspicious activities are detected.

User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA):
Monitor user behavior and entity interactions to identify insider threats and unauthorized access attempts.

Seamless Integration:
Our EDR solution seamlessly integrates with your existing security infrastructure, enhancing overall threat visibility.

Expert Support:
Rely on our experienced security professionals for round-the-clock support, ensuring you have the assistance you need when it matters most.
Strengthen your organization’s cybersecurity posture with Inventiv Technology’s EDR solution. With our powerful tools and proactive approach, you can confidently safeguard your endpoints against the ever-evolving threat landscape. Choose Inventiv Technology as your trusted partner in cybersecurity, and ensure the protection and resilience of your critical assets.

Endpoint Security

Application Control

application control

Discover enhanced control and security over your organization’s software ecosystem with our specialized Application Control solution. Crafted by Inventiv Technology, this cutting-edge offering empowers you to manage application usage, minimize risks, and boost productivity across your network.

Key Features:

Granular Application Management:
Gain full visibility and control over the applications running on your network, allowing you to permit, block, or restrict usage based on predefined policies.

Policy Enforcement:
Define and enforce access policies that align with your organization’s security requirements and compliance standards.

Risk Mitigation:
Identify and prevent the use of unauthorized or potentially harmful applications that could expose your network to vulnerabilities and threats.

Whitelisting and Blacklisting:
Maintain a list of approved and restricted applications, ensuring only authorized software is utilized within your network.

User-Centric Control:
Tailor application access based on user roles, departments, or teams, ensuring efficient operations without compromising security.

Real-Time Monitoring:
Monitor application usage in real time, enabling you to detect and respond swiftly to any deviations from established policies.

Application Behavior Analysis:
Analyze the behavior of applications to identify anomalies or suspicious activities, preventing potential breaches.

Enhanced Productivity:
Streamline software usage by allowing only essential applications, enhancing workforce productivity and reducing potential distractions.

Seamless Integration:
Integrate seamlessly with your existing security infrastructure, complementing your overall defense strategy.

Expert Support:
Rely on Inventiv Technology’s experienced professionals for continuous support, ensuring optimal configuration and performance of the Application Control solution.
Elevate your organization’s software management and security with Inventiv Technology’s Application Control solution. Harness the power to optimize productivity while maintaining a robust cybersecurity stance. Choose Inventiv Technology as your partner in safeguarding your digital environment, and ensure the efficient, secure, and compliant operation of your applications.

Endpoint Security

Secure Desktop

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Elevate your organization’s cybersecurity posture with our state-of-the-art Secure Desktop solution, meticulously designed by Inventiv Technology. Safeguard your workstations against evolving cyber threats and ensure a protected computing environment for your team.

Key Features:

Advanced Malware Defense:
Our Secure Desktop solution employs cutting-edge malware detection and prevention techniques to shield your workstations from malicious software and zero-day attacks.

Secure Browsing:
Browse the web with confidence. Our solution blocks access to malicious websites, phishing attempts, and other online threats, reducing the risk of compromising your system.

Application Whitelisting:
Take control of software usage by allowing only authorized applications to run on your desktops, mitigating the risk of unauthorized software and potential vulnerabilities.

Data Encryption:
Protect sensitive information with robust data encryption, ensuring that your files remain secure even if your workstation falls into the wrong hands.

Multi-Factor Authentication:
Add an extra layer of protection with multi-factor authentication, safeguarding access to your desktops against unauthorized logins.

Centralized Management:
Easily manage and monitor your secure desktop environment from a centralized console, enabling efficient policy enforcement and updates.

Patch Management:
Keep your operating system and applications up to date with automated patch management, reducing vulnerabilities associated with outdated software.

User Activity Monitoring:
Monitor user activities on secure desktops to identify and respond to any suspicious behavior promptly.

24/7 Threat Monitoring:
Benefit from continuous threat monitoring and rapid incident response, ensuring timely action against any potential security breaches.

User-Friendly Experience:
Despite its robust security features, our Secure Desktop solution offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, allowing your team to work efficiently without compromising safety.
Choose Inventiv Technology as your partner in fortifying your desktop environment against cyber threats. With our Secure Desktop solution, you can empower your workforce to operate confidently and securely while maintaining the integrity of your digital workspace. Safeguard your data, streamline operations, and ensure a resilient defense against today’s complex cybersecurity landscape.

Endpoint Security

Host IPS

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Enhance your organization’s cybersecurity framework with Inventiv Technology’s Host Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). Our advanced solution provides a robust line of defense directly at the endpoint, safeguarding your systems from a wide array of cyber threats.

Key Features:

Real-time Threat Prevention:
Our Host IPS constantly monitors endpoint activities and instantly responds to suspicious behavior, preventing malware, ransomware, and other threats from infiltrating your systems.

Behavioral Analysis:
Leverage sophisticated behavioral analysis to detect anomalies and patterns indicative of malicious activity, ensuring proactive threat mitigation.

Intrusion Detection:
Detect and alert on unauthorized attempts to breach your systems, providing your IT team with crucial insights for rapid incident response.

Zero-day Vulnerability Protection:
Our solution helps protect against zero-day vulnerabilities by identifying and neutralizing threats before they can exploit security gaps.

Customizable Policies:
Tailor security policies to align with your organization’s specific needs, granting you fine-tuned control over what constitutes a potential threat and how it should be handled.

Automated Response:
Trigger automated responses to potential threats, such as isolating compromised systems or blocking suspicious network traffic, reducing manual intervention and minimizing risk.

Centralized Management:
Manage and monitor Host IPS deployments across your organization from a centralized console, streamlining policy enforcement and updates.

Log Analysis:
Analyze detailed logs of endpoint activities to gain insights into potential security risks and support forensic investigations.

User-Friendly Interface:
Despite its advanced capabilities, our Host IPS solution offers an intuitive interface that allows your IT team to manage and navigate the system with ease. Choose Inventiv Technology’s Host IPS to fortify your endpoints and protect your organization’s critical assets. With real-time threat prevention, behavioral analysis, and automated response mechanisms, our solution ensures a resilient defense against modern cyber threats. Safeguard your systems, maintain operational continuity, and demonstrate your commitment to cybersecurity excellence.

How Can We Help

Inventiv Technology your Shield in Cyberspace. Fortifying your Digital Assets with Advanced Cybersecurity Measures.

We possess expertise and experience that underscore our commitment to offering 

effective solutions and tailored services aligned with the unique requirement of each client.